Contributions to improve sustainability conditions in gemstonebenefiting companies




indicators; sustainability; gemstone benefiting companies.


The gemstones and jewels production chain have been an important source of income and job creation in several regions of Brazil. However, sometimes, its activities haven’t been developed in an environmentally correct and sustainable context. In this sense, this work seeks to investigate indicators, to propose a framework of indicators to evaluate and monitor the sustainability conditions of companies that process gemstones. Therefore, a proposal was prepared considering the specificities of the sector, containing 10 indicators and 24 variables distributed in the environmental, economic, social, and technological dimensions. The proposal was verified empirically with a company, a case study, located in Teutônia/RS, which presents the main characteristics of the companies belonging to the sector. The use of the framework of indicators provided information on the company’s sustainability conditions, identifying positive aspects and also those that need to be improved to assist in the search for a more sustainable management of activities. On the other hand, the results achieved present information that can serve as a reference for comparison with other companies in the sector, as well as assist in the decisionmaking process in search of more sustainable conditions.


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How to Cite

Sindelar, F. C. W., Barden, J. E., & Stülp, S. (2021). Contributions to improve sustainability conditions in gemstonebenefiting companies. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Ambientais, 56(3), 424–435.