industrial pollution; air pollution; health impact, economic valuation.Abstract
The State of Sao Paulo presents the highest industrialized area of Brazil, having the biggest GNP in the country. As a result of industrial activities, many municipalities have been presenting high levels of air pollution. The aim of this research was to estimate the cardiorespiratory mortality caused by air pollution in some high-industrialized cities of São Paulo State between 2008 and 2016. Eleven municipalities were selected based on the industrial electricity consumption and on the existence of at least one air pollution monitoring station. We used a World Health Organization model to estimate the number of deaths that could be attributed to PM2,5 in each municipality through the years. Based on the statistical value of a life, we performed an economic evaluation of health impacts. Five of the 11 municipalities belong to the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. The municipality most affected by air pollution was Cubatão. However, due to the large number of inhabitants, São Paulo is the municipality whose largest number of deaths can be attributed to exposure to PM pollutants. Considering the results found for the 11 municipalities, 43,512 deaths could be attributed to air pollution in the period, which represents a loss of more than US$ 48.3 billion. These results justify the need for additional research and the implementation of cleaner technologies in the industrial park of the state of São Paulo.
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