Analysis of water quality, bioindicators, contaminants and their cytogenetic impacts in a Cerrado reservoir
Allium cepa; water; sediment; aquatic macrophytes; reservoir.Abstract
The fragmentation of Brazilian rivers due to the construction of hydroelectric dams has altered aquatic ecosystems, resulting in the accumulation of residues in sediments. This study evaluated the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of water and sediments from the Cana Brava reservoir, located in the Tocantins-Araguaia basin in the Cerrado biome, using the Allium cepa test. Sampling points were situated in the Cana Brava reservoir near two tributaries, the Bonito River and the Varjão Stream, areas susceptible to contaminant input due to proximity to urban areas. Physicochemical parameters, metals through atomic absorption spectrometry, toxicity, and analyses of bioindicators such as microalgae and macrophytes were assessed. Near the Varjão Stream, algal richness was higher, with the presence of Chara rusbyana, which indicates good water quality. Near the Bonito River, pollution-indicating microalgae such as Euglena sp., Nitzschia sp., and Oscillatoria sp. were identified, along with a prevalence of Salvinia auriculata, favored by nutrient availability. Cytogenetic tests revealed that sediments, especially from the site near the Varjão Stream, caused chromosomal abnormalities and cytogenotoxic effects, with an increase observed after 72 hours. Principal components analysis showed that phosphorus and potassium in the sediment from the site near the Bonito River correlated with cellular alterations at 48 hours, while sediments near the Varjão Stream resulted in a higher frequency of cytogenetic alterations at 72 hours. These results highlight local impacts on water quality and biological diversity, recommending continuous monitoring to mitigate the adverse effects of pollution in the Cana Brava reservoir.
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