Selection of green manures to provide ecosystem services in a semi-arid environment
Conservation management, agroecosystems, ecological servicesAbstract
Green manure is a soil management technique which provides several benefits to agroecosystems, improving the chemical, physical and biological quality of the soil, allowing them to provide different ecosystem services. Thus, the purpose of this work was to select green manures to compose multifunctional agroecosystems that provide ecosystem services in a semi-arid environment through the addition of biomass, C and N, and nutrient cycling. Thus, 29 treatments were evaluated in two cultivation cycles, using 14 species of legumes, oilseeds and grasses, distributed in single and intercropped crops. The green manures were cut at 70 days after sowing, and samples of the shoot and root parts were collected, with the production of fresh and dry biomass and the N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S levels being evaluated. C and biomass from rhizodeposition were also estimated. From these data, the accumulation of nutrients in the shoot and root biomass was calculated. Data were compared using descriptive and multivariate statistics. There is a positive relationship between the growing number of species used in consortium and the greater production of shoot and root biomass, favoring the increase in the capacity of the agroecosystem to provide provision and regulation services, with the latter being associated with climate change mitigation measures, highlighting the importance of biodiversity.
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