tratamento biológico; efluente de celulose; biofilmeAbstract
Pulp mill effluents have a complex composition of substances, with a high organic load and recalcitrant compounds that hinder treatment in commonly applied biological systems, such as activated sludge. Thus, it is necessary to carry out studies to improve these procedures. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate an activated sludge system with the addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) as support medium for biomass to treat kraft effluent. The reactor was operated for 110 days in 4 stages. The first stage corresponded to activated sludge only and the others were operated with PAC addition of 2, 4, and 6 g L-1 (stages II, III, and IV, respectively). The removal of organic matter was greater in the steps with medium support, obtaining averages of 55, 94 and 58% for COD, BOD5, and TOC, respectively. Specific parameters such as color, lignin derivatives and aromatic compounds were removed in, on average, 28, 29 and 36%, respectively in the stages with the PAC. Biofilm formation was observed on the surface of the support medium during treatment, with a higher concentration of biomass in step IV, reaching 4,086 mg L-1 of volatile suspended solids. Overall, the addition of PAC as a support medium in the activated sludge system has improved treatment efficiency. However, the increase in the concentration of PAC in the reactor did not show significant improvements, which indicates the amount of 2 g L-1 of PAC as the best concentration applied in the activated sludge system.
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